Saturday, October 20, 2007


(sung to the tune of Rod Stewart's "Infatu-A-tion") One way to ensure I don't finish this essay is to keep blogging! Lucky you. Finally some pics from our wonderful trip to Turkey, it only took me a month and change to upload them...

Here is me on a bus...I think I am asleep. Ok, how silly, because I can't download anything else. So there you have my trip to Turkey, me, asleep on a bus. You are already booking your flights, I can tell.

The bottom one is of the Basillica Cisterns, which was an underground water source for Istanbul - to build it, most of those columns were filched. So they are all different, some really ornate, some not. It's beautifully lit and classical music is playing, it's quite cool and spooky. More to come, Blogger is acting wonky again with the photos.

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