Sunday, October 28, 2007

Long Day

I was in North Carolina this weekend, visiting my best friend Shmoopy and her two precious kids in their house by the beach near Camp LeJeune. Although the drive absolutely bites --unlike heading to NY from DC where you can, if you completely flout any sense of responsibility towards your fellow drivers, the accepted laws and norms of about five states, and the worth of your own small life, get there in waaaay under the 4.5 hours everyone says it takes, this drive was loonng. Like nearly 6 hours long. And I didn't bring my ipod charger into the car, but I did bring CDs. Oh, I forgot to finish that long sentence - although the drive was murder, it was completely worth it to see these two scamps and catch up with my friend, who is doing a phenomenal job of raising them and keeping it all together while her husband is in Iraq. Photos to come, but damn, I'm tired.

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